At Home 10min Core AMRAP Workout
Meet Marinee, she’s my favourite guinea pig and one of my besties. I was lucky enough to have her test out one of my mini at home workouts and let me film it. Thanks girl! xox
Stuck at home? Need to get a quick workout in? Here’s one for you to do! #noexcuses
How it works:
1. Grab your cell for a timer, and start the clock at 10mins.
2. Do the prescribed exercises listed below As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes. Don't have that long? Do it for however long you have. Anything is better than nothing!
10min AMRAP
10x Pike Push Ups
20x Windshield Wipers (10L/10R)
20x Side Lunge Pushoffs (10L/10R)
Note: The Windshield Wipers are bit tricky in the sense that you want to go as low to the ground as possible without touching, that you can still bring your legs up and over to the other side without collapsing. To make it harder, straighten out the legs, easier, keep them bent.