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Lower Body Circuit

If you don’t have a lot of time to workout and still want to get something done anyways, try this one out! It’s a good combination of cardio and strength for your lower body.

Target: lower body

Level: intermediate

Equipment: dumbbells, a stopwatch and your kickass self

Fun: hellz to the yea!

Aim for a minimum of 2 rounds, but try to do 3-4 if you have the time. You’re alternating between cardio and strength in each exercise, so make sure to go as fast as you can with good form for the cardio (if you aren’t sure, make sure to click on the exercise to see a video of how to do it), and slow and controlled for the strength. What makes this workout challenging is having to switch from cardio to strength.

If you are unable to jump, you can remove the jump from any of the exercises below, turning this workout into a low impact lower body circuit. Similarly, you can do every exercise without dumbbells if you don’t have any, except for the deadlifts (which you can just remove, or do a variation without but with less muscular benefits), so really there’s no excuse not to try it!

15x Dumbbell Squat

10x Squat Jump + Floor Touch (5L/5R)

15x Dumbbell Deadlift

10x Pop Jacks

20x Dumbbell Split Squat + Pulse (10L/10R)

10x Jump Lunge, Squat, Lunge *


*This one seems to confuse people. You’re starting with a Jump Lunge, doing a Jump Squat, then ending with a Jump Lunge. Count 15 Jump Squats, and makes sure to end with a Jump Lunge.